I am not quite ready to say which of the democratic candidates for the 2008 presidential election I would like to see in the White House, but you should know that I am not above letting my palate do the choosing. And my vote, ladies and gents, is Barick Obama. This tasty but funky-almost-to-the-point-of-being-foul-smelling cheese is made by Lazy Lady Farm in Vermont. It is a bold cheese ready to take on the world, meaning don’t let it sit in the back of your fridge or every time you go to get the milk or peanut butter or salad out The Husband will say, “what is that *#%& smell…” But the bark is worse than the bite (for both the cheese and The Husband). If you catch it before it’s too ripe, the texture is almost like a very dense triple crème, but a little gooey-er. The flavor is meaty and rich. Other Lazy Lady cheeses with political aspirations are the raw goat’s milk Tomme de Lay and the raw cow’s milk Fil-A-Buster. Like politics, these cheeses are not for the faint of heart.
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